TU170 - GT101

محتوى المادة كامل مجاني للجميع

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نظام التست بانك لحل الكويزات

حل كويز1 يتوفر للجميع مجانا - حل كويز2 يتوفر للمشتركين فقط

يرجى مشاهدة الفيديو قبل الحل , كل طالب مسؤول عن كويزاته

السؤال سيظهر هنا , والجواب سيكون بين قوسين
It allows computers to share information and to connect to the internet: ((Connectivity))
The least powerful type of computers but most widely:((Personal computers))
The largest network in the world is:((Internet ))
The purpose of software is to convert data into:((Information))
----------------- is another name for a program((Software))
The rules or guidelines that people follow when using software, hardware and data are called --------------------((Procedures))
The most important system software program is the --------------------((Operating system))
------------------ is an example of application software((Word processor))
------------------ are the most powerful type of computers.((Supercomputer))
. --------------------- are the least powerful but most widely used computers.((Microcomputer))
Document files are created by the --------------------((Word processors))
Worksheet files are created by the --------------------((Spreadsheets))
The -------------------- consists of the equipment: (Keyboard, mouse, system unit, other devices)((hardware))
The most important part of information system:((People))
Although not as powerful as a supercomputer, this type of computer is capable of great processing speeds and data storage:((Mainframe))
Direct is:((Creating documents using a word processing program or when connecting to the internet.))
Procedures is:((The rules or guidelines for people to follow when using software, hardware and data.))
Are the instructions that tell the computer how to do its work:((Software))
Two major kinds of software:((Application Software & System Software))
Example of Application Software is:((Word processors (programs you use).))
Types of PCs include:((Desktops))
The common types of files are:((Presentation files, Document files, Worksheet files, Database files))
_________ is a communications system connecting two or more computers.((Network))
_________ is the capability of your personal computer to share information with other computers.((Connectivity))
The largest network in the world is the Internet.((True))
Processed data becomes information.((True))
Desktop and laptops are classified as supercomputers.((False))
Mainframe computers is special, high-capacity computers used by very large corporations.((False))
Presentation files created by presentation graphics programs to save presentation materials. ((True))
Digital data is stored electronically in files.((True))
Document files is created by word processors to save documents such as letters and memos.((True))
Mildrang is type of computer.((True))
The purpose of software is to convert data (unprocessed facts) into information (processed facts).((True))
Computer are electronic devices that can follow instructions to accept input, process it and produce information.((True))
Supercomputers is the most widely used and fastest-growing type of computers.((False))
Information is raw, unprocessed facts including text, numbers, images and sounds.((False))
Worksheet files created by database management programs to contain highly structures and organized data such as the information stored about students of a university. ((False))
Communication is all information systems provide a way to communicate with people and other computers, usually using the Internet. ((True))
The web provides a multimedia interface to the numerous resources available on the Internet.((True))
Software is controlled by hardware.((False))
People are not part of the information system.((False))
User interacts primarily with system software.((True))
System software is the 'background' software.((True))
Application software is an end-user software.((True))
System software might be described as end – user software.((False))
System software enables the application software to interact with hardware.((True))
Windows XP is an example of an operating system.((True))
Browser is an example of system software.((False))
Notebook computers are very heavy.((False))
What are the two major software types?((System software and application software))
In most cases, the word "software" is interchangeable with the word _______.((Program))
Employee records, including names, social security numbers, and related information, would typically be stored in what type of data file? ((Database))
A financial budget would be created in what type of data file?((Worksheet))
Which of the following computers is also referred to as a server and is used to support end users for things such as retrieving data from a database or providing access to application software?((Midrange))
An information Systems has several parts such as procedures, internet, people, and --------------((Hardware and software))
--------------------- are created by database management programs to contain organized((Database files))
These computers sorted from the most powerful to the least powerful:((Supercomputers, Mainframe computer, Midrange computer, Personal computer))
Apple watch is what type of computer: ((Wearable))
Desktop, Laptop and tablet computers are classified as:((Personal computers))
Windows 10 is an example of ---------------------((System software))
Which of the following is system software?((Operating system))
Which of the following is not an example of a document file?((Spreadsheet))
System software might be described as end user software.((False))
Identify the four basic categories of hardware in a personal computer ((System unit, input/output, secondary storage and communication ))
Application software is "background" software which helps the computer manage its own internal resources.((False))
------------------ files are typically used to store student records, including names, ID numbers and other related information.((Database))
A presentation software is an example of system software.((False))
The most widely used handheld computers.((Smartphones))
Four common types of files are Presentation files, Document files, Worksheet files Data files.((True))
----------------- is the component of the information system that is described as the equipment that processes data to create information. ((Hardware))
Insurance companies are most likely to use personal computers to process information about millions of policyholders. ((False))
--------------- software is a collection of programs that helps the computer manage its own resources and enables application software to interact with computer hardware.((System))
Which of the following is an example of spreadsheet programs?((Microsoft Excel))
The image below shows: ((Personal computer))
Airline companies are most likely to use personal computers to process information about millions of flights((False))
Smartphones are a type of handheld computer that do not need input, output, processing or storage.((False))
---------------------- is not a hardware category of a PC system((Application unit))
In an information system, what describes the step by step instructions that tell the computer how to do its work?((Software))
All of the devices as part of a personal computer are referred to as the computer----------- ((Hardware))
Processed data becomes ------------ ((All answers are correct ))
Information system contains several parts that are working together like: ((All answers are correct ))
Microsoft PowerPoint is an example of -------------((Presentation graphics program))
Windows 10 is considering --------------((None of them))
System software includes -----------------((Utilities ))
This type of software can be described as end user software and is used to accomplish a variety of tasks. ((Application software))
Smartphones are a type of handheld computer that do not need input, output, processing, or storage((False))
Which of the following is not application software?((Operating systems))
When Internet was launched in 1969 it was known as ------------------------ ((ARAPNET))
The Web is also known as --------------------((WWW))
The World Wide Web that was introduced in 1991, made it possible to include graphics and animation vedio((True))
The web and the internet are same((False))
Shopping is not a common use of the internet and the web((False))
http is web traffic --------------------((Protocol))
The addresses of the Web resources re known as --------------------((URL))
--------------------- are the rules for exchanging data between computers. ((Protocol))
In the URL: hhtps:www.aou.edu.jo, the part (edu) is the: ((Top-Level domain))
The internet is a large network that connects smaller networks all over the globe. ((True))
The internet is the multimedia interface to the resources available on the web((False))
The internet and the web are totally different((True))
----------------------- is the second part of the Web address which is the name of server where the resource is located. ((Domain Name))
For browsers to connect to resources, we need to have: ((Uniform Resource Locator))
----------------------- indicates a commercial site. ((.com))
--------------------- is junk, unwanted or unsolicited e-mail((Spam))
--------------------- is the transmission of electronic messages over the Internet.((E-mail))
Which of the following is a popular type of internet communication? ((Electronic Mail (E-Mail)))
One of the following is a correct e-mail address :((mohammed@yahoo.com ))
E-mail is one of the applications that depend on communication systems((True))
Which of these should be considered when sending E-mail:((All answer are correct))
Which of these statements is correct?((IOT collects Machine generated data))
Which of these is not a major type of cloud computing usage? ((Hardware as a service))
"Cloud" in cloud computing represents what? " ((Internet))
In the URL "http://www.simnetonline.com", what is the domain name ((www.simnetonline.com ))
Web Utilities are specialized utility programs that make using ------------------- easier and safer((The internet and the web))
The domain name of Palestine@aou.edu.ps is((aou.edu.ps ))
Which of the following could be a correct email address:((ahmed@aou.edu.kw ))
Originally limited to characters but now you can send images, video, and sound ------------- ((SMS (Text message)))
The network that connects computers over the world is:((Internet))
Acrobat Reader and Media Player are classified as plug – Ins utilities((True))
A -------------------- publishes short sentences that only take a few seconds to write, rather than long stories or posts. ((Microblog))
The two basic types of e-mail systems are:((Client -based and web -based systems))
Bing and Yahoo are examples of:((Search engines))
------------------ is an example of an IoT device that keeps track of human's health data ((Fitbit))
For browsers to connect to resources on the Internet, the location of the resources must be specified through addresses called ----------------((Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)))
The Top -Level Domain of a company's website is:((.com))
Internet Security Suites is a collection of utility programs designed to maintain your security and privacy while you are on the web:((True))
Facebook is an example of a:((Social Network))
------------------- allows users to shift their desktop computing activities to computers on the internet ((Cloud computing))
File transfer Utilities help you upload and download files to and from the internet((True))
---------------- are used to deliver media content over the internet where the media files have to be downloaded and saved to your computer ((Podcast))
Which of the following is not a well-known web browser?((Windows Explorer))
When evaluating a website's content, whether or not the information is up to date is considered part of the ------------------ element ((Currency))
These special programs continually look for new information and update the databases used by search services((Spiders))
--------------------- Computing provides access to software, programs, and data from anywhere through an internet connection. ((Cloud))
The continuing development of the Internet that allows everyday objects embedded with electronic devices to send and receive data over the Internet.((IoT))
The web was introduced in -------------((1991))
Which of the following is not one of the three basic components of cloud computing: ((Wireless connectivit))
The most popular microblogging site is --------------------((Twitter))
An internet -------------- is a collection of utility programs designed to maintain your security and privacy while you are on the web((Security suite))
Which of the following is a website specially designed to allow visitors to use their browser to add, edit, or delete the site's content ((Wiki))
------------------- messaging is the process of sending short electronic messages using a wireless network ((Text))
The internet is a ----------------- made up of wires, cables, satellites and rules for exchanging information between computers connected to the network. ((Physical network))
Parents can use this type of program to block access to selected websites.((Filter))
Unsolicited email is called ----------------((Spam))
Antivirus programs protect your computer system from viruses or malicious programs. This is an example of which type of software? ((Utilities))
This method of file transfer has been used for decades and is frequently used for uploading changes to a website hosted by an Internet service provider. ((FTP))
The protocol ------------------- is used for web traffic and is one of the most widely used Internet protocols((https))
A web page typically contains _______, which contains the formatting instructions for displaying the web page.((Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)))
The most popular internet activity((Communicating))
The rules for exchanging data between computers ((Protocols))
The internet connects computers all over the world((True))
The Internet is a multimedia interface.((False))
The most widely used Web protocol is http((True))
The last part of the domain name identifies the type of organization((True))
Acrobat Reader is an example of a plug-in.((True))
The last part of the domain name following the dot (.) is the top - _____domain. ((Level))
E-mail is one of the applications that depend on communication system. ((True))
---------------- are utility programs that allow users and organizations to block access to selected site.((Filters))
Programs that automatically start and operate as a part of your browser are called ((Plug-Ins))
Microblogs like Twitter allow many individuals to edit a document ((False))
Emails enable us to communicate with instructors and colleagues ((True))
Apple safari is an example of a web -------------((Browser))
Media player is an example on -------------------((Web utilities))
http is the protocol used for web traffic http((True))
Examples on file transfer utilities are:((All answers are correct))
Podcasts do not use streaming technology, the media files have to be downloaded and saved to your computer before you watch them ((True))
Which of the following are tips to help you get the most from a search on the Internet? (Select all that apply) ((Type different search terms into a new window + Determine what it is that you want answered + Use your favorite search engine))
Special web browsers, called ------------ browsers, are designed to run on portable devices such as smartphones and tablets. ((Mobile))
The Top-Level Domain of a university website is: ((.edu))
The ------------------- enabled graphics, animation, sound and video to be added to the internet((Web))
Which of the following is NOT feature of cloud computing((Limited network access))
Which of the following is NOT feature of cloud computing?((Limited network access))
In the URL https:www.aou.edu.jo, the part (https) is the:((Protocol))
What is needed in a smart home to connect sensors and smart devices to a network? ((Internet connection))
What is the most important concern regarding cloud computing? ((Security concern))
Which is the following belong to IoT attributes?((All answers are correct))
What is a sensor?((A device that detects or measures an event of physical property))
Public clouds are cloud environments created from IT infrastructure not owned by end user, such as ----------------((Amazon Web services and Microsoft Azure))
"--------------------- is the physical objects with sensors, processing ability, software, and other technologies that connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over
the Internet "((IoT))
--------------------- are destructive programs usually attached to some emails((Computer Viruses))
Special web browsers, called ------------------ browsers, are designed to run on portable devices such as smartphones and tablets. ((Mobile))
Which of these is not medium for e - mail ?((Paper))
References and --------------- connect to other documents or web pages containing related information.((Hyperlinks))
Net Nanny is an example of ---------------((Filters))
The --------------- compares your entry against its database and returns the result, a list of sites on that topic. ((Search engine))
To control spams, you should consider using: ((Spam blockers))
Programs that provide access to web resources are called:((ISP))
After a Webcast is completed, there are no files from the webcast left on your computer. ((True))
Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is the address we used to open websites ((True))
LMS is a software that delivers distance learning course to your computer ((True))
An email address should not contain a user name ((False))
Which of the following are disadvantages to distance learning? ((You'll need significant discipline and time management skills))
If you are considering taking a distance learning course, it is good to follow the steps of the P.O.W.E.R plan. These steps are: ((Prepare – Organize – Work – Evaluate – Rethink ))
It is accepted to make a very short call while your teacher is speaking((False))
Apple's Mail and Microsoft Outlook are two examples on web-based email system.((False))
Courses that combine traditional, face-to-face and online methods are referred as: ((Blended learning))
To prepare for an online course, it is good to:((All answers are correct))
It is very useful to use your mobile frequently in the class((False))
A common drawback of distance learning programs can be:((The lack of face to face contact with instructors or other students ))
It is a classroom netiquette not to use your headphones during the class((True))
Email is to send a message in an electronic way ((True))
You should not send messages or make calls when your teacher is speaking ((True))
Teaching courses via video technology or the web is referred to as: ((Distance learning))
Face to face meetings:((Provide immediate feedback))
Distance learning courses are not flexible compared with traditional classes((False))
The domain name of palestine@aou.edu.Ps is:((aou.edu.ps))
Point out the incorrect statement:((Web-based email needs a special program))
Which of the following is a web-based email? ((All answers are correct ))
In Blended learning students can meet face to face((True))
Blended learning is a less risky approach than moving online or computer – mediated course ((True))
. When you write a formal e-mail message, it is important to keep which of the following in mind?((Make sure the recipient know who you are))
If you have an important point to make in an e-mail, it is a good idea to use all capital letters((False))
Which is one advantage of distance learning as a way of taking a class?((You can take classes that are not offered at your local college))
Which of the following are examples of poor netiquette? Select all that apply((Checking your phone while someone is talking + Posting to your discussion board without proofreading + Using headphones connected to your laptop))
Which of these should be considered when sending E-mail: ((All Answers are correct))
Which of the following behaviors will help you get the most out of a distance learning course? Click all that apply((Check in frequntly + Have a plan in case you cannot use your computer + Find a cyberbuddy))
-------------- email systems do not require an email program to be installed((Webbased))
Which of the following is correct about client-based systems? ((They require a special program to be installed on your computer))
In the classroom:((Turn off your mobile))
Rules of good online behavior is described by:((Netiquette))
Distance learning classes are traditional physical classes((False))
The steps of the P.O.W.E.R plan that you are advised to follow when taking online courses are Post – Open – Withdraw – Examine -Rethink((False))
Distance learning classes are dependent on technology ((True))
. Distance learning courses are more flexible compared with traditional learning courses((True))
With distance learning you can take classes offered only in the country where you live ((False))
To get the most out of a distance learning course it is important to find an online partner((False))
To control e-mail spams it is good to: (("Use two e-mail address; one for personal use and another one for online
shopping "))
The steps of the P.O.W.E.R plan that you are advised to follow when taking online courses are Prepare – Organize – Work – Evaluate -Rethink((True))
CAN-SPAM requires every marketing-related email provides opt-out option((True))
To prepare for an online course, It is good to get feedback from others who have taken the course. ((True))
. Point out the incorrect statement:((Hotmail requires a special program to be installed ))
Which one of these is correct to deal with unwanted emails?((None of the answers is correct))
In blended learning the student needs less time working independently online and less time in face-to-face classroom settings ((False))
The Arab Open University follows distance Learning education((True))
Blended learning is a combination of conventional teaching approaches and elearning elements within a single course((True))
The domain name of edward@yahoo.com is: ((Yahoo.com))
Email's enable us to communicate with instructors and colleagues((True))
MOOCs are free online courses to enroll.((True))
A good way to share files with others is to use the cloud, or online, storage service.((True))
The statement " All instructors are absent – minded intellectuals" is an example of: ((Stereotyping))
Distance learning is a form of education in which studying is combination of both face-to-face and online methods((False))
To get the most out of a distance learning course never waste your time in checking the LMS and your email.((False))
Written communication:((All answers are correct))
Receiving 3 phone call during a meeting is an example of:((Electronic Barrier))
------------------ is a type of communication that provides immediate feedback((Oral communication))
Blended learning is a combination of conventional teaching approaches and e-learning elements within a single course((TRUE))
------------------ is an example of emotional distractions, which might negatively affect the intended message ((Annoyance and anger))
Having Flu, Ahmed doesn't feel comfortable and cannot pay attention during the class. This is an example of:((Physical Barrier))
-------------------- is an example of emotional distractions, which might negatively affect the intended messages((Annoyance and anger))
Which type of communication provides proof that information was exchanged?((Written communication))
According to the psychologist Abraham Maslow, self-actualizing needs are met through a: ((Sense of achievement, competence and creativity ))
Which of the following is NOT a basic component of communication?((I -attitude))
Oral communication is the use of spoken words to exchange ideas and information ((True))
The you-attitude involves putting your reader or listener first and being considerate of the other person((True))
According to the psychologist Abraham Maslow, esteem needs are satisfied:((Through feelings of self importance or prestige))
Communication without words is called((Nonverbal Communication))
A communication that occurs between a tutor and a student is an example of: ((Interpersonal Communication))
"Ruba's understanding of an instruction from her English teacher is hampered because of being busy updating her status on Instagram. Which type of barrier to communication
does this represent? "((Electronic distraction))
Mr.Ali is informing the class about the time of the makeup lecture by saying: "To help you get the best out of the day, we will start the lecture at 8:00 am". This is an example on: ((Using the you – attitude))
The exchange of information through the use of written words and sentences is called: ((Written communication))
Amani's understanding of an instruction from her teacher is hampered because of the loud music in the next room. Which type of barrier to communication does it represent?((Physical distraction))
Meeting your tutor in the class is a valuable meeting, therefore during the class: ((Take notes and be focused))
According to the psychologist Abraham Maslow, security needs are met through a: ((A sense of security from physical harm and mental abuse))
According to the psychologist Abraham Maslow, social needs are met through a:((Feeling of belonging to a group))
Which of the following is NOT one of the main purposes of communication: ((To demonstrate extensive vocabulary))
"Ahmad's understanding of an instruction from his teacher is hampered because he is busy sending messages to his mother. Which type of barrier to communication does this
represent? "((Electronic distraction))
In written communication, the You-attitude puts the reader first ((True))
------------------- are examples on physical distractions ((Hunger, fatigue))
Distance learning courses are not flexible compared with traditional classes((False))
One of the main purposes of communication is to develop goodwill ((True))
Effective communication requires the sender understands his own intrapersonal communication((True))
Miscommunication occurs when the intended message, the actual message, and the interpreted message are the same for both the sender and the receiver ((False))
Face to face meetings:((All answers are correct))
It is preferable to use the l-attitude, which puts the reader first, in your written communications((False))
In written communication, the You-attitude puts the reader first((True))
Intrapersonal communications means communicating with yourself ((True))
Written communication((All answers are correct))
To avoid miscommunication, the intended message, the actual message, and the interpreted message have to be different((False))
One of the main purposes of communication is to inquire((True))
Effective communication requires the sender understands his own intrapersonal communication((True))
---------------- is a type of communication that does not provide immediate feedback((Written communication))
Having work pressure and log list of To – do list has affected the concentration of Ali during the class and shows a clear example on: ((Emotional Barrier))
To avoid miscommunication, the intended message, the actual message,and the interpreted message have to be the same((True))
In written communication, the I-attitude puts the reader first((False))
---------------------- is an example of electronic distractions, which might negatively affect the intended message ((Whatsap Texting))
Miscommunication occurs when the intended message, the actual message and the interpreted message are not the same for either the sender or the receiver. ((True))
Intrapersonal communication is based on previous life experiences ((True))
One of the main purposes of communication is to persuade((True))
Interpersonal communication occurs between two people, such as a doctor and a patient((True))
In blended learning students can get immediate feedback ((True))
Having flu, Ahmad doesn't feel comfortable and cannot pay attention during the class. This is an example of:((Physical Barrier))
It is preferable to use the You-attitude, which puts the writer first, in your written communications ((False))
You are facing difficulty understanding a customer whose first language is French. This is an example of: ((Cultural Barrier))
One of the main purposes of communication is to inform((True))
In written communication, the l-attitude puts the writer first ((False))
In written communication, immediate feedback may not be always possible ((True))
For more effective communications it is better to combine oral and nonverbal techniques ((True))
Written communication:((All answers are correct))
Which of the following communication skills are used when you listen to instructions and ask questions for clarification?((Listening and speaking))
Which of the following statements is true about the different types of communications? ((In written communication, immediate feedback may not always be possible. ))
Which communication skill broadens your knowledge and understanding of the world and actually makes you a more interesting person in your social life? ((Reading))
"In your educational life, asking questions, summarizing information and expressing ideas are an important part of the learning process, which communication skill would you be
using for each of these activities? "((Speaking))
Which of the following is the reason why physical distractions are usually easier to prevent in a listening situation? ((The surrounding of a listening or speaking situation can be changed))
Students understanding of instructions from the teacher is hampered because of A/C problem in the classroom. This distraction in communication represent: ((Physical Barrier))
In the first week of class Ed impressed his classmates with his critical and creative thinking on the discussion topics. Since then, Ed has been asked to be involovd in several unrelated projects. This is an example of:((The halo effect))
Peak performers know that the best strategy for alleviating feelings of panic is to: ((Be prepared))
To overcome math or science anxiety, it is important to:((Discipline yourself))
Zach's team has been working toward solving the same technical problem for over an hour and have been unable to arrive at a solution. They would benefit most by((Creative problem solving))
"All men are mortal. Harold is a man. Therefore Harold is mortal." This is an example of:((Deductive reasoning))
Jaqueline has worked on solving the same statistics problem for an hour and is frustrated that she cannot solve it. Right now, what she needs most is: ((A break))
Pat and his group are discussing a political problem in class and must offer possible solutions. He has his ideas on how to approach the problem but listens intently to what his group members have to say before he offers his approach. This is an example of: ((Listening to all sides of an issue))
" All mammals have kidneys. dolphins are mammal and they have kidneys for sure , this type of reasoning is called : ((Deductive reasoning))
All woman are emotional is a statement that includes sweep generalization ((True))
Gt101 is an it courses and is so easy. All it courses are easy this type of reasoning is called((Inductive reasoning))
All numbers ending with 0 or 5 are divisible by 5 . the number 35 end with 5 , so it must be divisible by 5. This type of reasoning is called: ((Deductive reasoning))
when we make a judgment , gathering all relevant information is not needed ((False))
Ali always make a judgments without collecting all relevant information. we can not consider all his judgment correct ((True))
. Adel is a math teacher that is very strict. All math teachers are very strict, this type of reasoning is called. ((Inductive reasoning))
Saying ugly and stupid for kids at school is a kind of negative labeling ((True))
After having a car accident with a woman driver, saying that "all woman are bad drivers" is a statement that include sweep generalization: ((True))
when we say " my mother is an Irish and she has blond hair. Therefore, everyone from Ireland has blond hair. This type of reasoning is called: ((Deductive reasoning))
when we say "Ali from Kuwait, likes rice. All Kuwaitis like rice ". This type of reasoning is called: ((Deductive reasoning))
All students are cheating " a student said after being caught cheating. This kind of action represented halo effect : ((False))
To overcome Math and science Anxiety you need to discipline yourself ((True))
When a decision is made before gathering all necessary information this is called Snap judgment ((True))
When considering Problem – Solving Strategies for Math and Science "to simplify" means to solve related more difficult cases: ((False))
Ali always make judgments without collecting all relevant information. We can consider all his judgments correct ((False))
When considering problem – solving steps, which step involves finding a strategy? ((Develop and implement a plan))
A critical thinker needs to see all sides of the issue((True))
Deductive reasoning is defined by drawing conclusions based on going from the general to the specific((True))
Studying one night before the exam is a good way to overcome Math and Science Anxiety ((False))
Deductive reasoning is defined by drawing conclusions based on going from the general to the specific.((True))
A possible good strategy to follow when solving math problems is to translate words into equations((True))
Knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation are levels associated with Bloom's Taxonomy ((True))
When you are busy working with your math homework, taking a quick break is not a good choice((False))
Considering Bloom's Taxonomy, when you are able to make judgment, then this is related to Evaluating level. ((True))
To overcome Math and science Anxiety you need to consider studying with a group ((True))
"A critical thinker needs to have a positive attitude
Which of the following is considered as a strategy when solving math and science problems((All answers are correct))
Considering the core skills needed for critical thinking, what level is represented by this question: Can you recall the names, dates, definitions or events? ((Remember))
Knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation are levels associated with((Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives))
"Ali and his group are discussing a political problem in class and must offer possible solutions. He has his ideas on how to approach the problem but listens intently to what
his group members have to say before he offers his approach. This is an example of:"((Listening to all sides of an issue))
When working on solving math problems, sometimes the best way to simplify the problem is first to: ((Solve easier cases of the same problem))
Ali has a learning disability in one of his math courses, to overcome his math anxiety he needs to: ((All answers are correct))
Which of the following is the exact order for problem – solving steps? (("Define the problem, Gather and interpret information, implement a plan, Evaluate a
The ability to clearly define a set of criteria for analyzing ideas is a quality of a :((Critical thinker))
When considering problem- solving steps, which of the following would be the last step in the process? ((Evaluate a plan))
Ahmed and his sister decided to start a small business, in order to establish successful future plan, he needs to monitor: ((All answers))
Sami is a good critical thinker as he always jump into conclusions without considering all options((False))
When considering problem – solving steps, which step involves reflecting on the successes and failures you experienced?((Evaluate a plan))
Effective problem solvers:((Thinks in a new way))
Sami said "This subject is difficult and it is impossible to understand. This is an example of all-or-nothing thinking ((True))
Which of the following is NOT a basic step of 'building better exam habits' cycle? ((Anxiety))
Shelly arrived in class early to do a quick review of her notes before her exam. Although she is confident that she knows the material, she has a lot of test anxiety. While she reviews, it will be most important for her to: ((intend to be positive.))
Greg got his math test back, and although he had the correct answers, he did not get full credit. This was most likely because he did not ((follow the instructions completely))
Karl is faced with a plumbing problem he must solve.It would be helpful to begin to solve the problem by: ((defining the known and unknown.))
When you don't do the necessary work before your math class, then you could face: ((Math anxiety))
Kelsey is a film editor and loves what she does for a living. Often she will run into glitches or changes that require her to rework scenes and layers of sound tracks several times. Her greatest strength contributing to her successful career is most likely ((persistence.))
Considering Bloom's Taxonomy, when you are able to make judgment, then this is related to Remembering level. ((False))
Ahmed is faced with a water problem that he must solve. It would be helpful to solve the problem by: ((Defining the problem))
Sara is a good critical thinker as she always ignores her colleague's opinions ((False))
A possible strategy to follow when solving math problems that include surveys is to use charts((True))
Ahmad was given a math problem to find the age of Sami. Given that Sami is older than Sarah (9yrs Old) but younger than Ali (11yrs old). He could guess that Sami is about 10yrs Old. He was engaged in: ((Estimating))
All of the following are true about critical thinkers except that they: ((Don't seek new solutions))
Ahmad was given a world problem to solve, and he immediately begin to create an algebraic expression from the facts stated in the problem. He was engaged in: ((Translating words into equation))
In a science class, Ali was asked to recall the information of the word electron. His instructor is asking him to apply which level of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational objectives? ((Remembering))
Considering the core skills needed for critical thinking, what level is represented by this question: Can you make judgments and rate its accuracy, quality and credibility? ((Evaluate))
Effective problem solvers: ((Thinks in a new way))
Sami is a manger of an organization that needs to adjust its future plans by monitoring the environment. This should include monitoring:((All answers are correct))
The level of bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objective that addresses making judgments about information is: ((Evaluation))
Paraphrased information should not be accompanied by citation((False))
Failure to provide citation will be interpreted as plagiarism.((True))
Plagiarism is an act of theft of intellectual property((True))
Which of the following is not true about cheating? ((Cheating gives you confidence ))
Peak performers know that the best strategy for alleviating feelings of panic is to:((Be prepared))
The main purpose for analysing and assessing your graded exam is to: (("Confirm your grade, determine common mistakes and patterns, and learn what to
do differently next time"))
Partial copying from one of your classmates is considered as plagiarism ((True))
------------------- is using someone ideas or writing them as your own. ((Plagiarism))
Keeping up daily reading will not be helpful for test preparing((False))
Asking questions in class if any points is unclear will be helpful for test preparing((True))
When is it necessary to cite a source? ((All answers are correct))
Setting up a review schedule will be helpful for test preparing ((True))
Setting up a review schedule will not be helpful for test preparing ((False))
You are guilty of plagiarism if you examine the ideas and arguments of other to help you shape your own thoughts or views on a particular issue ((False))
Plagiarism can be defined as((All answers are correct))
Immediate reviewing is the process of spending about an hour weekly to review subject material((False))
When you receive your graded exam, make sure not to show it to your study team((False))
Which of the following is NOT an exam question type?((PNG))
Which of the following is NOT a plagiarism form? ((Paraphrasing with providing source citation))
Asking questions in class if any point is unclear will not be helpful for test preparing ((False))
Keeping up daily reading will be helpful for test preparing((True))
Using memory techniques to remember the key terms is a useful strategy that you need to follow before the exam. ((True))
Which of the following is an exam question type?((True false))
---------------- should NOT include the words of the original text NOR follow the same sentence structure((Paraphrasing))
Paraphrasing means to include the exact same words of the original text and to follow the same structure((False))
Academic institutions are not applying any penalties to students whose works are plagiarized((False))
The purpose of software is to convert information into data. ((False))
Four common types of files are document files, worksheet files, database files, and power files. ((False))
Software that helps the computer manage its own internal resources is called ________. ((system software))
Which of the following are tips to deal with spam? Select all that apply. ((Frequently change your password.Frequently change your password. + Never respond to e-mails asking for personal or financial information. + Consider using two e-mail addresses.))
Which of the following will enhance and reinforce your listening skills? ((Asking questions to clarify points))
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