TU170 - GT101

محتوى المادة كامل مجاني للجميع

اختبار تجريبي - الدرس الثاني

في حال وجود أي خطأ بالكويز التجريبي يرجى التواصل مباشرة مع أ.جابر بقروب تيليجرام للمادة


TU170/GT101 Quiz Meeting2

1 / 20

Acrobat Reader is an example of a plug-in.

2 / 20

The domain name of Palestine@aou.edu.ps is

3 / 20

In the URL https:www.aou.edu.jo, the part (https) is the:

4 / 20

The web was introduced in

5 / 20

One of the following is a correct e-mail address :

6 / 20

Unsolicited email is called...............

7 / 20

Facebook is an example of a:

8 / 20

  The addresses of the Web resources re known as

9 / 20

……………...are utility programs that allow users and organizations to block access to selected site

10 / 20

Examples on file transfer utilities are

11 / 20

The internet is a ----------------- made up of wires, cables, satellites and rules for exchanging information between computers connected to the network.

12 / 20

The Top-Level Domain of a university website is:

13 / 20

The internet is the multimedia interface to the resources available on the web

14 / 20

When evaluating a website's content, whether or not the information is up to date is considered part of the ------------------ element

15 / 20

  The Web is also known as

16 / 20

Emails enable us to communicate with instructors and colleagues

17 / 20

Which of the following is NOT feature of cloud computing?

18 / 20

Microblogs like Twitter allow many individuals to edit a document

19 / 20

Programs that provide access to web resources are called:

20 / 20

Podcasts do not use streaming technology, the media files have to be downloaded and saved to your computer before you watch them

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