TU170 - GT101

محتوى المادة كامل مجاني للجميع

اختبار تجريبي - الدرس الثالث

في حال وجود أي خطأ بالكويز التجريبي يرجى التواصل مباشرة مع أ.جابر بقروب تيليجرام للمادة


TU170/GT101 Quiz Meeting3

1 / 20

To get the most out of a distance learning course it is important to find an online partner

2 / 20

Email's enable us to communicate with instructors and colleagues

3 / 20

A good way to share files with others is to use the cloud, or online, storage service

4 / 20

In the classroom’

5 / 20

Distance learning is a form of education in which studying is combination of both face-to-face and online methods

6 / 20

To prepare for an online course, It is good to get feedback from others who have taken the course.

7 / 20

To control e-mail spams it is good to:

8 / 20

  To prepare for an online course, it is good to:

9 / 20

Point out the incorrect statement:

10 / 20

When you write a formal e-mail message, it is important to keep which of the following in mind?

11 / 20

CAN-SPAM requires every marketing-related email provides opt-out option

12 / 20

You should not send messages or make calls when your teacher is speaking

13 / 20

The domain name of palestine@aou.edu.Ps is

14 / 20

. Teaching courses via video technology or the web is referred to as:

15 / 20

  Courses that combine traditional, face-to-face and online methods are referred as:

16 / 20

If you have an important point to make in an e-mail, it is a good idea to use all capital letters

17 / 20

Which of these should be considered when sending E-mail:

18 / 20

Rules of good online behavior is described by:

19 / 20

  Apple's Mail and Microsoft Outlook are two examples on web-based email system.

20 / 20

Which of the following is correct about client-based systems?

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